Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Panama Update #53

Panama Update #53
September 24, 2008

I started at the new job today. In the blog I have been trying not to mention specific names of institutions or schools for several different reasons. If anyone wants the names or the reasons, send me an email. I can see why they asked me to come and help at this school. It is a brand new private school that combines both secular and religious education. It seems like the older students who transferred to this school must have been having problems at their other schools. I was assisting the teacher in a 7th grade math class and it is only the first day so we are still trying to figure out how I can best be of assistance. There are all different ability levels in both English and math. Some speak English well but can't read, and the same goes for their math levels. Some have skills for algebra and some have trouble with basic multiplication and division. They asked me to come to parent conferences on Thursday night to introduce myself, meet them and answer any questions. I only stay at the school for about 2 hours a day, and with transportation it is about 3 hours. The timing is good because it allows me to still continue with my other activities.