Friday, February 27, 2009

Panama Update #139

Panama Update #139
Friday, February 27, 2009

All week long I and we have been contemplating whether to revoke my leave with Minneapolis Schools for next year. I am on a 3 year leave, but the contract states I can revoke it by March 1 of each year if I want to return. With Nikki's job situation still up in the air, I had to make a decision by today if I was going back to the district or not. This morning I called the Human Resources office and they ended up giving me a month's extension, which is really great. That means I can return to the same job if I let them know by April 1. It gives us more time to figure out what is happening with Nikki.

The owners of our apartment building have been collecting dogs lately for some reason. They have 3 now, plus the upstairs apartment has 2 more. The problem is that the dogs are barking or howling all the time, day and night. A couple of weeks ago, when Laurie was here, they brought in a pregnant dog that someone had given them, so they could have even more, I guess. She had the babies recently but rolled over on them and all but one died. Today they hauled the mother away somewhere. She is real mean and they needed several people to tie her up in the pick-up truck. They told me they were bringing her to the Darien, which is the most isolated jungle part of Panama. I think the little puppy is too young to be separated from the mother, but now it is living here now too. She is the size of a palm and the eyes are still closed. It is better to wait about 6 weeks for separation, not one.

We are excited to see that the movie Slumdog Millonaire opened in Panama City today, at the movie theatre closest to us. We plan to go tomorrow.

Next weekend we go to Costa Rica for 3 nights to renew my tourist visa. In two weeks, Michael G. and his family arrive for a week-long visit.

My return reservation to Minneapolis is for June 2. Nikki goes to a convention in Denver on the same day for a week and then will join me in Minneapolis. We plan to be there for the rest of June and July.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Panama Update #138

Panama Update #138
Februry 24, 2009

The school where I work is closed this week for the Carnival activities. It has been very pleasant in the city, at least in the area where we live. There is a lot less traffic and noise in the night, although last night we heard fireworks in the distance for a few minutes. We are told that a lot of the people travel to the interior of the country for all the parties, so that is why the city has a quieter feeling to it. Even thought the Carnival is a Federal holiday and many of the stores are closed, etc., Nikki went out into the field for a long day's research excursion with some people from her office group. When she came back she reported that she saw a lot of people celebrating the Carnival holiday. She was in a remote rural area and they had huge tents set up and a lot of people had arrived by bus. She said people were standing and partying in the river and drinking. They were spraying each other with water. There is probably more to it than that, but that is what she observed. I guess they do that type of thing all over the country.

Tomorrow I am supposed to get my Canal ID badge so I can accompany Nikki into that area when she needs someone to go with her.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Panama Update #137

Panama Update #137
February 22, 2009

We made reservations yesterday to go to San Jose, Costa Rica from March 5-8. I need to leave the country for 72 hours to renew my 90 day tourist visa. We finally picked Costa Rica because it is the closest and cheapest place to go. We also received an invitation to stay at a friend's house there. Her name is Indira and I have met her at the Meditation Center in Minneapolis, where she has visited the last couple of summers. One day we plan to tour around the city of San Jose and another day we plan to go on a nature tour outside of the city. We are currently researching the options with that.

It is Carnival week here in Panama, which means most of the people take a long weekend, at least through next Tuesday. The school where I work is closed through Wednesday. Many go out to the country where there are a lot of big parties and celebrations. There are also celebrations here in the city. Some people say it is like Mardi Gras. Mostly we are trying to avoid it as much as we can. There were some loud parties in our neighborhood, but thankfully they ended at a reasonable hour.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Panama Update #136

Panama Update #136
February 21, 2009

We returned from the Casa de Campo Bed and Breakfast yesterday after staying there for one night. It was a good rest for Nikki after her busy week in Texas. It was in a place called Cerro Azul, which is about 40 minutes from the Tocumen International Airport. It was quiet, the air was clean, the surroundings were scenic (see the pictures below), and the food was wholesome and tasted very good. They were very willing to accommodate our dietary preferences. It cost $80 for the room plus an additional $50 for the 3 meals for two people. Both of us thought the price of $130 was high, but we enjoyed our time there. Added to the $130 was the additonal expense of taking a taxi to and from there, which added on another $60.
There was only one other couple staying there. They were bird watchers from New York. We visited them when we saw them in the dining room. Each one of them had a foot massage and Nikki also had a relaxing massage.

Pictures from Panama 34 (Nikki and Daniel in Cerro Azul in a B and B for Nikki's birthday)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Panama Update #135

Panama Update #135
February 19, 2009

Nikki's flight is scheduled to arrive today (Thursday) at 2:00 PM from Texas. The plan is for me to ride to the airport with the taxi driver, and then immediately after we get Nikki drive to Cerro Azul. I think it is about a 45 minute ride to the B and B there. We are going there to do something special for Nikki's birthday today. There is no internet there, so the next time either of us will be on will probably be sometime on Saturday.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Panama Update #134

Panama Update #134
February 18, 2009

Nikki is still in Texas until tomorrow (Thursday) PM. I talked to her later last night and she said the visit was going fine and that the faculty was friendly. She said her talk was mixed up since the power point presentation she put together on her Mac would could not be used with the projector they had. So at the last minute she had to transfer her material, but she used the wrong version and all of it did not go through. Other than that she said it has been a good experience.

Last night after Yoga class I went to Casco Viejo and met a friend of someone I worked with in Minneapolis. She is a niece of Dixie's and has been in Panama for about a week. She spent most of the week in Volcan and Boquete but came back to Panama for only one night. I recommended she see the Miras Flores Locks Observatory today before her flight leaves today. She was staying in a youth hostel in Casco Viejo called Luna's Castle, which has pretty good reviews in the guide books. She said she needed much more time to see the country and was disappointed she had only scheduled one day in Panama City. She was planning later to go out with a person she found on a website called You can meet people from this website where ever you travel and I have heard very positive things about it from a couple of different people.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Panama Update #133

Panama Update #133
February 16, 2009

The internet has been down in our apartment for the last few days so it is more difficult to keep up with the blog. On Saturday, Valentine's Day, we went out to Albrook Mall. Nikki wanted to do some shopping for her trip to Texas and then we went out to lunch. She found a couple of stores that she likes and there are more small sizes here than in the US, plus the clothes usual costs less than in the US. Yesterday I did a couple of hours of English tutoring and some shopping for the week while Nikki caught up on her work. I went off to work at the school this morning and Nikki's flight to Texas is scheduled to leave around 3:00 PM. She is expected to arrive there at 8:00 PM and then gives a lecture tomorrow. She is scheduled to return on Thursday (19th), which is her birthday. To celebrate we are going to a B and B in Cerro Azul, where Laurie and Pat went a couple of weeks ago. It is about an hour from the city, and a friend of Pat runs it. We will leave for the B and B directly from the airport on Thursday.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Panama Update #132

Panama Update #132
February 12, 2009

On Tuesday night Laurie came to the Yoga class that I give here. It is the first time she has been to a class that I gave and this type of Yoga. I think she liked it but is used to a faster pace in the health-club style Yoga. Yesterday Laurie helped Nikki do some shopping at Albrook Mall. Nikki has a trip to Texas next week and found a nice jacket and pair of shoes, both on sale at a good price. Today Laurie went on a long bike ride on the Causeway in the morning and then we met Nikki for lunch at a Vegetarian restaurant on Via Argentina called La Novena. La Novena means The Ninth and refers to Beethoven's symphony, which is playing all the time in the restaurant. There are some Chinese vegetarian restaurants here, but this is the only one we have found that is not Chinese. I had carrot soup with fresh Blackberry juice and a spinach and potatoe soufle. It came with a side salad. Nikki had a brocolli salad and Laurie had a curry rice dish. In the afternoon Laurie went to the Contemporary Art Museum that is within walking distance from where we live.

Laurie leaves tomorrow. The taxi is scheduled to picke her up at 12:30 PM and she connects in Miami and continues on to Chicago. We saw on the television that it is 41 degrees there, so she is pretty happy with that. It has warmed up a lot since she left almost 3 weeks ago.

Pictures from Panama 32 (Laurie's day as a field assistant in Panama Viejo)

Pictures from Panama 31 (Renato, our friend from Quito, Ecuador who recently returned home)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Panama Update #131

Panama Update #131
February 9, 2009

Laurie came back from the B & B in Cerro Azul yesterday (Sunday) and said she enjoyed the experience. She said the food was outstanding, and they were able to accommodate her vegetarian diet. She said the soups were great and that she ate very well. She said it was a nice quiet escape from the noisy city. Nikki and I may go up there for a night on her birthday, February 19. Laurie's friend Pat went directly to the airport from Cerro Azul. Her flight was delayed 2 hours, which meant she missed her connecting flight in Miami. They gave her some hotel vouchers and Miami is a nice place to visit, but it throws off her return schedule.

On the way back from the airport Laurie stopped at Multi Centro Mall to buy some things at the Kosher Market, but it was closed for the holiday Tu Bishvat. She knows the city well enough that she can now direct a taxi driver to our apartment. This particular driver tried to charge her $10. She called his bluff and only gave him $5, which is still very high. Most of the drivers here are OK, but a few will do what they can to part you from your money.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Panama Update #130

Panama Update #130
February 6, 2009

This morning Laurie and Pat caught a taxi at 6:30 AM and caught the Canal Train to Colon. It is a nice ride, costs $22, and only takes about an hour. On the ride you can see the whole length of the canal. It only returns once a day, at 5:15 PM, so they took an express bus back which only costs about $3 and takes about 2 hours. That bus returns about every 15 minutes all day long.

After that they went to Albrook Mall to buy a few things and got back to the apartment about 1:00 PM. Then they went off to meet Pat's friend who owns the B & B in Cerro Azul. They will ride with her to the B & B. Both of them will return to Panama City on Sunday. Pat will go directly to the airport and return to Chicago and Laurie will return to our apartment for another week. She wants to do some volunteer field work next week but nothing is planned at this point.

A friend of ours, Renato, from Quito, Ecuador, leaves tomorrow. He has been here about 6 months. We met him when in the dorm when he first came. I hung out with with last fall when Nikki was on the 3 week research boat trip to the Kuna Yala region. It is a funny place to be when so many people you meet are coming and going. The friends we have had the longest and who are still here are the more permanent researchers on staff.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Panama Update #129

Panama Update #129
February 5, 2009

This morning Pat and Laurie went to visit Nikki's office and some of the sites around there such as the Gorgas Hospital, legislative offices, and the supreme court building. After that we took a taxi to the top of Ancon Hill so Pat could see the views. She leaves soon and otherwise would probably not get a chance to go there. We then walked to the Artesenal store where they sell native crafts and they bought a few presents there.

In the afternoon we went to see a college friend of Pat's who is from Panama. They haven't seen each other for over 30 years. She owns a B & B in Cerro Azul, about an hour outside of the city ( She is also the administrator of a new high-end Wellness Spa in Panama City and was very interested in seeing my Biofeedback equipment so we went there and I gave her a demonstration. She wants me to show it to one of the physicians there next week and I may end up doing some work there.

After that Nikki and Laurie went to see a skin doctor and got some lotion for there skin afflictions (see most recent Pictures from Panama). We then went out to dinner with Pat's friend to a restarant on the Causeway called Alberto's. There was a nice cool breeze coming off the ocean and we had a table with a nice view.
Now she

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Panama Update #128

Panama Update #128
February 3, 2009

Today Laurie and Pat went to the Mires Flores Locks at about 9:30 AM. While they were doing that I went on some errands to the bank and store. At Mires Flores they have an observatory where you can watch the ships go through the locks and they also have a canal museum and nice lunch buffet. A taxi driver we know took them up there but was not available to return them, so I gave them directions on what to tell whatever return taxi driver they found. They were anxious about being able to direct the taxi driver back to our apartment. It got to be 4:30 in the afternoon and they were still not back and I was wondering what could have happened because that is a long time to stay there. At 4:45 PM, just as I was leaving to go to Yoga class, they arrived. It turns out they enjoyed watching the ships so much that they spent the whole day there and Laurie was very proud that she could direct the driver to our apartment. I think now she will feel more comfortable about going out on her own.

Tonight we went to the photo exhibit opening of our friend Aaron. It was in a restaurant/gallery in Casco Viejo. The restaurant was packed with a Canadian tour group, so they had the art in a room that connected to the restaurant. There was a nice turnout and I think everyone enjoyed the photos and the company. I got Aaron and his daughter Mila to autograph a postcard that advertised the exhibit which will be worth a lot of money some day if either one of them becomes famous.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Pictures from Panama 29 (Laurie and Pat's weekend in Boquete, near David)

Panama Update #127

Panama Update #127
February 2, 2009

Laurie and Pat returned from their 3 night trip to Boquete, which is near the city of David. It is a cooler mountain area of Panama where the temperature went down to 65 F at night with a nice breeze. They stayed at a very nice and clean B & B in their own separate cabin for about $150 a night. They loved the grounds and coffee plantation and had a great view of the Volcan Baru. It is owned and run by a Canadian couple and is called the Coffee Estate Inn and the website is

Nikki also heard today that in a couple of weeks (week of Feb. 16) she is traveling to visit Texas A & M University to give another talk. She enjoyed the trip to LSU lastg week but it was tiring. Hopefully when she leaves in a couple of weeks she will be ready to go again.