Panama Update #131
February 9, 2009
Laurie came back from the B & B in Cerro Azul yesterday (Sunday) and said she enjoyed the experience. She said the food was outstanding, and they were able to accommodate her vegetarian diet. She said the soups were great and that she ate very well. She said it was a nice quiet escape from the noisy city. Nikki and I may go up there for a night on her birthday, February 19. Laurie's friend Pat went directly to the airport from Cerro Azul. Her flight was delayed 2 hours, which meant she missed her connecting flight in Miami. They gave her some hotel vouchers and Miami is a nice place to visit, but it throws off her return schedule.
On the way back from the airport Laurie stopped at Multi Centro Mall to buy some things at the Kosher Market, but it was closed for the holiday Tu Bishvat. She knows the city well enough that she can now direct a taxi driver to our apartment. This particular driver tried to charge her $10. She called his bluff and only gave him $5, which is still very high. Most of the drivers here are OK, but a few will do what they can to part you from your money.