Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Panama Update #134

Panama Update #134
February 18, 2009

Nikki is still in Texas until tomorrow (Thursday) PM. I talked to her later last night and she said the visit was going fine and that the faculty was friendly. She said her talk was mixed up since the power point presentation she put together on her Mac would could not be used with the projector they had. So at the last minute she had to transfer her material, but she used the wrong version and all of it did not go through. Other than that she said it has been a good experience.

Last night after Yoga class I went to Casco Viejo and met a friend of someone I worked with in Minneapolis. She is a niece of Dixie's and has been in Panama for about a week. She spent most of the week in Volcan and Boquete but came back to Panama for only one night. I recommended she see the Miras Flores Locks Observatory today before her flight leaves today. She was staying in a youth hostel in Casco Viejo called Luna's Castle, which has pretty good reviews in the guide books. She said she needed much more time to see the country and was disappointed she had only scheduled one day in Panama City. She was planning later to go out with a person she found on a website called You can meet people from this website where ever you travel and I have heard very positive things about it from a couple of different people.