Panama Update #22
August 6, 2008
Nikki took a break over the lunch hour today and we took a taxi to the organica store. She hadn't seen the inside yet. There is a restaurant/juice bar in addition the food items. We had a mango shake which was pretty good. The items in the store are common items you would find in a store like Whole Foods, but on a much, much smaller scale. It is more like the size of a neighborhood corner store. I wondered how she goes about deciding what items to carry since some are nice such as some Yogi Teas, but some others are kind of questionable like certain types of vitamins or shampoos. We met the owner and in Spanish found out that she is still trying to figure out the right combination of items. She said she orders a small amount of items to start with and if it sells fast she orders more the next time. She does take special order requests by email, but the prices are as high or higher as the prices in the US and it may make more since for us to order directly on-line. The Super Kosher Grocery Store is within walking distance so we went there for lunch, got a few items, and took a taxi back to Nikki's office. We had their falafel platter but it didn't settle that well for either one of us, so we will probably not eat there again. The whole trip and lunch was about 2 hours total.
There is quite a turnover of people in the dorm. Some students or visiting professors stay for only 3 weeks. I have only been here a month but am starting to feel like the senior person. People are now asking me questions on how and where to shop and how to get a taxi. A professor from a University in Cali, Colombia who studies fish (ichthyology) had dinner with us the other night. He went to graduate school in the US so he speaks English quite well. We also met another woman who is brand new from Scotland, who is finishing some research for her Master's Degree in marine biology.
The Yoga class also was very well attended today, with close to 20 people there. A lot of the people are regulars, but new people are still showing up. They are a fun group to work with, eager to learn, and I enjoy sharing what I can. We are thinking of adding another class. Here is part of the email that they sent out to check on the level of interest:
Estimados todos,El Sr. Daniel Hertz manifiesta su disponibilidad de dar clases en el edificio de blank si hay consenso entre el personal. Mínimo de participantes serian 6 personas. El horario en principio de 12:00 a 01:00 P.M... Costo $2.00 - 03:00.Las personas interesadas favor contestar este mail.A continuación encontrara una breve descripción en que consiste y para que sirve el "Hatha Yoga Class" I liked seeing it in Spanish. Here is the actual course description in English:
Gentle Hatha Yoga Class- Join us for a gentle, meditative, and joyful style of Hatha Yoga which emphasizes guided relaxation, diaphragmatic breathing, and gentle stretches. Its teachings are based on the ancient wisdom of the Himalayan sages supplemented by modern research in physiology, psychology, and holistic medicine. It is appropriate for all levels of physical fitness, from complete beginners to more advanced levels. The exercises can be done sitting in a chair, standing up or lying on the floor, depending on the capacity of the participant. These are the goals for the sessions:1. Relaxing, nurturing and rejuvenating exercise for the mind, body and spirit2. Move to a more integrated and balanced approach 3. Develop a more inward focus and awareness 4. Improve Stress ManagementPlease bring a blanket, mat or towel for lying on the floor and wear loose, comfortable clothing.Suggested Fee: $2-$3Instructor: Daniel Hertz, MS, RYT 500, BCIAC, has studied and taught Yoga for the past 15 years in both the United States and India. He is Internationally Certified as a Yoga and Meditation Instructor and also Nationally Certified (USA) as a Biofeedback Practitioner.
August 7, 2008
Today I noticed a few small, red, circular marks on the inside of my left arm. I checked on the Panama groups chat sites, and it sounds like this is a bug bite that is very common in the tropical rainforest area here. You don't see or feel the bites, but the next day they itch a lot and can stick around for a few days. They are from what we call no-see-ums in Minnesota, but here are called chitras. They are small enough to go through any kind of mosquito netting. Nikki also had a few bites that are really starting to itch her. We think it may be when we sat on the deck outside our room after dark the other night. It's funny that there are no mosquitoes here, but there are a lot of other kind of bugs, but this is our first up close and personal encounter.
There is also a sloth and a large iguana living near our dorm. I saw the sloth for the first time the other night. It is kind of a like a monkey with long fir and it moves very slowly so is easy to follow if you can find it.
Someone from Florida State University called today and asked if I wanted teach ESL to adults on Tuesday and Thursday nights. FSU has a branch here in Panama City which is located right below the entrance to the Puenta de las Americas (Bridge of the Americas). I had sent in my Resume to FSU earlier in the week and was glad to hear from them, but I had to turn it down because that is when we have Yoga classes. Attendance has been doing so well for those that I don't want to switch around the days at this point. I think that between the Yoga classes and giving private English lessons I will pretty much fill up my schedule. There seems to be a demand for both and the market is still expanding. That also gives me the flexible schedule I was looking for. We'll see what else comes up, but that seems like what I will do here at this point.