Saturday, March 14, 2009

Panama Update #143

Panama Update #143
Saturday, March 14, 2009

This is the first update in a few days. The wireless internet in our apartment has been down for most of the week but somehow is working today. Michael G. and his wife and son are expected to arrive tomorrow night (Sunday). They are planning to visit the Locks on Monday and then rent a car and go to El Valle for 3 or 4 days. It is more mountainous and cooler there, and it is also near the beaches. Nikki and I might drive with them on Tuesday and then take a bus back. It would be a good chance for us to see the place for the first time also.

Earlier in the week, on Monday, Aaron and his daughter Mila left for Vancouver to join his wife for 4 months. We said good-bye to him at lunch at La Novena vegetarian restaurant. It was a small group, mostly people like Felix and others who work directly with him. We thanked him for all the help he gave us in our adjustment to Panama. By the time he returns, we are scheduled to be gone. My return reservation is for June 2 and Nikki is scheduled to go to a conference in Denver before joining me back in Minneapolis. At this point it looks like I will be returning to my job with the school district. We haven't heard from our renter yet if she wants to renew. If she does, we will probably try to rent a small apartment.

The rest of the week was busy for me with working on our income tax stuff and doing some private English tutoring with a new client. It is a bit complicated as far as taxes and living in Panama, so we are waiting to hear back from our accountant as to what our best option is. Last night we saw two one act plays by Woody Allen at the only English speaking theatre here. We can walk to Ancon Theatre from our house. Both of us were surprised and impressed by the quality of the shows. It was much better than what we saw there last fall. Tonight we are planning to go to the Albrook Mall to see the new release The Watchmen.