Sunday, December 14, 2008

Panama Update #99

Panama Update #99
December 14, 2008

Nikki stayed up all night last night to finish her Poster for the conference in SF. The taxi is supposed to pick us up for the airport at 4:30 AM tomorrow. We have a 5 hour layover in Miami and are supposed to arrive in SF at 7:00 PM so it will be a long day.

While Nikki was busy working on her poster, I have been fixing up and riding a bicycle that I recently bought for $20 from a friend who is leaving Panama soon. I found a mechanic in Balboa (a section of town close to us) who normally works on cars, but has all the proper tools that were needed for the bike. Early in morning today (about 7:00 AM), the weather was very pleasant and I rode the bike out the Causeway, which has a nice bike path along the ocean. It was probably the funnest thing I have done so far in Panama, so when we return from the trip I plan to do it more often. Nikki will also probably buy a bike when we get back. I found a route that allowed me to stay on the sidewalk the whole way, if necessary, because of the traffic.

I read that the high temperature in Minneapolis, Minnesota tomorrow is only supposed to be zero degrees farenheit, so I appreciate biking along the ocean.

Many of the people that Nikki works with are leaving soon for the holidays and many will not return, so we have said goodbye the best we could. Because Nikki was busy with her work this weekend we had to cancel some social events. If you read this, goodbye Marina and enjoy Vancouver. We will do our best to baby sit Aaron while you are gone.