Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Panama Update #113

Panama Update #113
January 7, 2009

Nikki and I had our teeth cleaned with a dentist here. It is the first time we have been to any doctor since arriving 6 months ago. The office was modern and the dentist was fluent in English. He formerly had worked for the US government in Panama as a dentist and stayed on after the land was returned to Panama. He cleaned the teeth himself with the sonar equipment that a lot of the dentists in the US are using now. He had an assistant in the room with him and charged $50 dollars for each of us.

Tomorrow (Thursday) I am spending the day driving to the Darien region of Panama. It is suuposed to be the most wild jungle region of the country, but I will find out. The owner of our apartment has some business out there and he asked me if I wanted to drive along. It is about a 3 hour ride each way and we are leaving at 5:00AM and plan to return by 3:00 PM. I plan to take some pictures and if so can post them on Friday. In the evening tomorrow we are scheduled to go to Gamboa, an area about 30 miles north of town to have dinner with some friends who live up there. It sounds like a long day.