Panama Update #118
January 17, 2009
Our washing machines are installed and working now in our apartment, which is saving us a lot of time from having to haul the laundry to another location. The woman who cleans our apartment is coming now on Thursdays and she will help some with the laundry but mostly we will throw it in as needed. That is the convenient thing about it that we were so used to in the US.
The Yoga class at the organization where Nikki works started again on Thursday. It was 5 weeks since the last class and it was nice to see everyone again and it felt good to give a class again. For now that is the only Yoga class I am giving.
The tutoring business is picking up. I am getting several requests to start tutoring. The requests are mostly from people in the neighborhood who heard that I give English classes and they are interested. I will schedule those in the weekday afternoon and evenings, after I finish my other job.
We are still continuing to bike regulary. Early morning (6:30 AM) is the best time as far as having moderate temperatures and less traffic.
We are expecting two house guests on Sunday night, Eric from Minneapolis and Swami Ritavan. They have been in Costa Rica and Jamaica before comng here and plan to stay for 6 nights. We have a lot of things we can show them, but will take their lead as far as what they are interested in.