Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Panama Update #123

Panama Update #123
January 27, 2009

The last 2 days we have been catching up a bit after the departure of our guests. It was a big morale boost to have the visitors. They reminded us of how special the experience of living in a new place can be and to enjoy each day. They also reminded us of how cold it is in Minneapolis. It feels so hot here all the time that it is easy to forget there are places in the world where it is freezing cold.. The shopping for fruits and vegetables in the market that is close to us is an on-going process every couple of days. We have a small refrigerator so we can't stock up too much on the perishables. Eric left us a large bag (25lbs.) of tangerines that he bought at the market for $4 and we can't eat it fast enough to keep some from spoiling. Watermelon seems to be in season and is very sweet and juicy. I paid $2.50 for a large one and it was very good. Nikki didn't really get a chance to catch her breath since she has been preparing to go to the US again. She is scheduled to give a talk in Baton Rouge, LA on Thursday at the LSU campus. I took these two weeks off from work because my sister arrives tonight and I wanted to be available to show her around as needed. Today I had some time to help Nikki prepare for her trip by making some copies and looking up some information about LSU.