Panama Update #126
January 31, 2009
It is a little hard to believe tomorrow (Sunday) is February 1. That means we have about 4 months left in Panama. We don't know yet what we will be doing or where we will be living in August, but I plan to be in Minneapolis for June and July. We sold our car before we left, but I plan to rent one in Minneapolis for the trips to the cabin and other errands.
Nikki arrived back from the US and her trip to Baton Rouge this afternoon. She said it was a good trip and really enjoyed the city, the university, and the people she met there. Tonight (Saturday) we went for a walk and hopefully she will get a chance to catch up on her sleep a bit.
Laurie and her friend Pat left for David, in the cooler mountains, yesterday morning. They plan to be there for 3 nights. They return Monday night to the airport near our house. I plan to meet them at the airport to help them get back to our apartment, since they haven't learned yet how to get here.
We thought the small (2 inches), baby gecko we found wandering around our apartment a few weeks ago had disappeared. But yesterday and today we started seeing it in the kitchen area. It is about twice as big now, much quicker, and can climb the walls much better. We were glad to see it again since to us it is like having a pet. One finally showed up in our dorm room before we moved out of there 3 months ago, and now we have this one in our apartment.