Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Panama Update #151

Panama Update #151
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mark and his 14 year old son Nathan arrived Monday night as scheduled. On their first morning (yesterday), we hiked to the top of Ancon Hill and they loved the view of the city and the canal. Nathan was very tired and after we returned he took a 2 hour nap. I think the sudden change to a tropical climate got to him. We also figured out he was not drinking enough water and was dehydrated. Once he started drinking more he felt much better. In the afternoon they went to see the Mires Fores Locks Observatory.

Today they caught an early flight (6:00 AM) to the Kuna Yala region. It is only a 20minute plane ride to get to the Caribbean side of the country. We arranged for them to stay a night in a village there, like Nikki and I and Swami Ritavan had done a couple of months ago. They speak very little Spanish and no one in the village seems to speak much English, so we hope they will manage OK. In fact most of the people in the village speak the Kuna language much more than Spanish. We sent a Spanish phrasebook with them because we know the host speaks Spanish along with the Kuna.