Panama Update #156
April 16, 2009
There is some news to report. Nikki and I are scheduled to go to NYC for two nights on May 4, 5. Her great uncle, Archibald Steele, was a journalist working in Tibet at the time The Dalai Lama was growing up in the 1930s/40s. He has passed away a few yers ago, but there has been a request for descendents from his family to meet with the Dalai Lama. Nikki's mom can't make it so she has encouraged us to go and has offered to buy the tickets for us. I purchased the tickets today. The airline prices at this time are pretty good.
Yesterday I bought 2 large suitcases for us to carry things back when we leave here. I found them at the mall at a discount store for only $16.99 each. They look fine and I figure they can make it through at least one flight.
Tonight I am scheduled to go with some teachers from the school where I work to my first Panamanian baseball game. It is at Rod Carew National Stadium. I plan to report more on that later and to post pictures.