Panama Update #160
Sunday, April 26
We are down to about 5 weeks left in Panama and possibly sooner for me (depending on the job situation in Minneapolis). My guess is that I will find out this week if I will go back early to fill in for a position (see Panama Update #159). The week after next, on May 4, we go to New York for two nights. We are planning to stay with my cousin Sally. I think as each week goes by it will get busier and busier as we wrap things up here. I have all the boxes and packing tape ready to mail the things back that we can't fit in our suitcases.
Nikki signed up for a 5 day silent retreat that is offered this summer from July 18-23 in St. Paul ( While she is doing that I will probably be up at the cabin.
Yesterday we found the the book by Nikki's great uncle- In the Kingdom of the Dalai Lama, at Aaron's apartment. He had borrowed it and we didn't get it back before he moved to Vancouver. The person subletting his apartment helped us find it in some box Aaron had left in a closet. Yesterday I also got my first (and probably only) haricut in Panama. Carmen and Santosh showed me the place they go to. They charge $5 for the cut and $7 if you want a shampoo. I had about an inch trimmed off the bottom but it is still long enough to put in a pony tail.